Wednesday 1 August 2012

Forestry Ministry issues stern warning to timber dealer

The Ministry of Forestry and the Environment has issued a press release informing the general public of the assessment of stock of imported timber for re-export in URR, CRR, LRR and NBR, that it has conducted, following which the Ministry took a decision to allow the evacuation of the said stock from these Regions from the 19th June to 15th July 2012. The release added that anyone found transporting imported timbers in these regions for re-export beyond this period would be prosecuted.
The release reads:
In accordance with Section 5 of the General Provisions of the Forest Regulations 1998, the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment hereby informs the general public that after conducting an assessment of stock of imported timber for re-export in URR, CRR, LRR and NBR, a decision has been taken to allow the evacuation of the said stock from these Regions from the 19th June to 15th July 2012.
The general public is strongly urged to ensure that all imported timber for re-export in these Regions are evacuated to designated log yards in West Coast Region and Kanifing Municipality during the above-stated period. Any person found transporting imported timbers in these Regions for re-export beyond this period will be confiscated and the individual(s) will be prosecuted.
The general public is further informed that as per the provisional conditions of the timber re-export trade 2012, all logs for re-export must enter the country through entry points in West Coast Region (not outside Kalagi Village). These logs will be subjected to inspection at Mandinaba and Giboro, where Forestry personnel are posted to issue royalties and removal permits before GRA permits could be issued.
These measures have been put in place to curb the rampant destruction of our forest cover, which is one of the conditions for lifting of the ban on timber re-export by an Executive Directive Ref: OP 248/126/01/Part VII (78-LAC) dated 9th May 2012 from the Office of the President. The measures are further intended to address effectively the illegal felling of indigenous species particularly the endangered species such as West African rose wood (Keno) in our forests.
You would all recall that the rampant tree felling that occurred in the year 2007 and the ones which followed thereafter have contributed to the fast disappearance of such valuable tree species like ‘Keno’ (Pterocarpus erinaceous), ‘Jalo’ (Khaya senegalensis), ‘Sibo’ (Borrasus aerthiopium), ‘Santanwo’ (Dianellaoliveri) and other economic tree species, most of which are found to be immature, threatened and near extinction.
With the advent of this trade, forest protection becomes a real challenge in terms of monitoring as the incidents of illegal felling become highly alarming over the period. Despite the Department of Forestry’s effort in prosecuting people found wanting, the rate keeps on increasing and has reached a point where the Department cannot contain it and that the above measures are required to address the issue in order for the timber re-port trade to continue.
By a copy of this press release, all State Security Services, Regional Governors, District Chiefs, Village Alkalolu and the general public are hereby duly informed and are kindly requested to intervene or report to the nearest Forest Station, Police Station and other security checkpoints any incidents related to the above.
Author: Dawda bayo

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